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Goin' Down This Road (2013)
goindownthisroad1 duocover1 AlbertCoverFront1 FrontCovercopy holeinthewall1a
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snakesandladders imonaroll harmonicaman

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Track Listing
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1. The Underdog

2. Careless Love

3. Going Down This Road

4. Pass Me Not

5. Summertyne

6. Lawdy Miss Clawdy

7. Ida Mae

8. Don't You Feel Like Cryin'

9. The Games People Play

10. Wine Spody Ody

11. Fattenin Frogs For Snakes

12. Hootin And Tootin
(Dedicated to Sonny Terry)

13. Feels So Good

14. Take These Chains

15. Nothing But The Truth

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